The Cablelock 1.5 is an aluminum bodied cable seal. For added security the 1.5 mm non-preformed cable unravels when cut. Cable seals purchased online are laser printed "SEALED", barcoded and consecutively numbered.
This product is currently available in Red, Green and Blue. Contact us for other colors.
The Cablelock-1.5 is an aluminum cable seal with a 1.5mm (1/16") diameter cable that frays when cut. Custom print available on orders of 100 or more.
No tools necessary, simply insert loose end of cable through locking body and pull up tight. Record seal number and contents. Use a cable cutter to remove.
Stock seals are printed "SEALED" and consecutively numbered with a barcode. Custom printing, logos, numbers, and barcodes are available on orders of 1,000 or more.
Standard colors are Red, Blue, and Green. Contact us for custom colors.
Applications include trucks, railcars, drums, trailers, valves and bulk tankers.