Model BCTS Barcoded Truck Seal is marked SEALED with consecutive numbers and barcoding. These yellow and white plastic security seals are ideal for use on trucks and trailers.
AC&M Model BCTS is a barcoded fixed length plastic security seal. This tamper evident truck seal is made out of high-density polyethylene for durability in extreme weather. The 8" long Barcoded Plastic Truck Seals are an excellent alternative to metal truck seals. Consecutive numbers are laser printed in a contrasting color allowing for the tamper evident truck seal to be easily read.
Loop the plastic strap through the item to be seals. Insert the strap into the locking chambe until it clicks. Record the seal number to control security.
Custom printed options include hot stamped customer name, logo, numbering or laser printed barcoding. Minimum order for custom print is 10,000.
Stock colors are white and yellow. Minimum order for custom colors is 10,000.
Model BCTS are used to secure Trailer Doors, Bulk Tankers, Railcars, Totes, and more.