Seals: A Critical Tool for Protecting Valuable Military Supplies

Seals: A Critical Tool for Protecting Valuable Military Supplies

Posted by Steve Diebold

Transportation and storage of weapons both greatly benefit from the use of security seals. As a matter of fact, ammunition boxes have been using seals for a very long time. This serves as one of the most common applications for seals, yet it is not generally known.

Moreover, another typical application for security seals when it pertains to the industry of guns and armory is to put them on magazines or ammunition boxes to prevent theft and accidents. It ensures the ammunition has not been tampered with after production and transport or while it is in use in the field.

One can find a wide variety of metal, wooden, and plastic ammunition boxes with just a quick internet search. Most of them already include a latching mechanism or hasp for securing it with a lock and/or seal.

Why Use Security Seals?

For many years, weapons manufacturing systems have relied on seals to protect both small and big-caliber ammunition. Seals for high-powered rounds are typically AC&M model C-1 high-strength and durable cable seals. This now includes sophisticated weapons and the ability to acquire enormous quantities of ammunition, missiles, and aircraft.

The industry now has access to tools for maintaining tight control and physical records, such as barcoded seals, innovative seal marking technologies, and cutting-edge adhesive security tapes and labels. Because the seals are color-coded and have unique markings, it is easy to keep track of the flow of goods and the amount of stock.

Seals can be used by law enforcement to make sure that tactical equipment and stockpiled arsenals and supplies stay where they are supposed to be until they are required for training or usage. To ensure the authenticity of an item, one can seal it in a locker, a door, a cabinet, or even an automobile.

In addition, plastic security seals are being used for both product quality assurance and stock tracking by private manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. Products in their original packaging, as well as those in the retail supply chain's fleet of transport vehicles, are protected by seals. Sealing sporting goods like rifles, pistols, shotguns, and handguns before they are sold to customers ensures that they are purchasing authentic products from the manufacturer or a registered vendor.

When displaying or storing firearms and ammunition for an extended period of time, collectors and gun enthusiasts take precautions to prevent unauthorized access by sealing the items. There are no seals particularly intended for these purposes. Protecting these objects and the countless containers they can be kept in would be simple with any of AC&M's seals. However, pull up plastic seals, cable seals, and wire seals are the most often employed forms of seals.

It's interesting that responsible gun vendors and owners are increasing their attempts to keep such firearms safe, secured, and protected from potentially hazardous usage by unauthorized or unqualified people as a result of the rising use of various types of seals including wire seals and cable seals.

Secure Your Military Supply With Unique Security Seals Application – Get In Touch With Us!

Take advantage of American Casting & Manufacturing’s 110 years of experience in the seal industry and extensive knowledge of keeping your weapons, arsenals, and ammunition safe. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your needs for seal operations, please get in touch with them.

During regular business hours, you can reach their seasoned professional who specializes in using seals in various ways. Send an email to to reach their headquarters and manufacturing facility. In the United States, dial 1-866-304-4289 free of charge or 516-349-7010 internationally to reach American Casting & Manufacturing.

People who go to the AC&M website can also use LIVE CHAT to talk to a seals expert during regular business hours (US Eastern Time). You can now buy stock or custom seals for your military supply directly from their website,

Discover detailed information on their newest items as well as a complete list of their stores. You may also locate every store, every contact, and every detail of every product they currently offer. If you need any advice, free samples, or cost estimates, feel free to let them know.